dr. Suyanto, MPH., PhD
June 4, 2023 2024-06-12 14:17dr. Suyanto, MPH., PhD
Judul | Sumber | Link Article | ISSN | Similarity | Korespondensi | Indeks Jurnal |
Analysis of Supporting Factors Associated with Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice in the Urban Setting during the COVID-19 Pandemic | Children | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
The Quality of Life of Coronavirus Disease Survivors Living in Rural and Urban Area of Riau Province, Indonesia | Infectious Disease Reports | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
The Role of Chewing Gum on Post-operative Bowel Recovery after Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery: A Short Report and Updated Review | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Optimal Control on a Mathematical Model to Pattern the Progression of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Indonesia | Global Health Research and Policy | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
The Effect of Treatment during A Haze/PostHaze Year on Subsequent Respiratory Morbidity Status among Successful Treatment Tuberculosis Cases | International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
The Effect of Reading Maternal and Child Health's Handbook Campaign at Posyandu (Child Health Post) in Pekanbaru, Indonesia | The Malaysian Journal of Nursing | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Sensitivity and Specificity of a COVID-19 Lateral Flow | Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Hubungan Kadar Polusi Udara dengan Kejadian Tuberkulosis di Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2015 sampai dengan 2020 | Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran vol 17 no 1(2023) | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Strategi pencegahan penularan Covid19 di tempat kerja | Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan vol 15 no 2(2021) | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Strategi pengendalian tuberkulosis di puskesmas pekanbaru kota, tenayan raya dan simpang tiga kota Pekanbaru | Sumber: Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan vol 15 no 2(2021) | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Kerugian ekonomi pasien tuberkulosis (tb) paru selama periode kabut asap dan bukan kabut asap di kota pekanbaru | Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan vol 12 no 2(2018) | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Evaluasi pengelolaan limbah medis pada masa pandemi Covid 19 di RSUD Petala bumi Provinsi Riau | Sumber: Econews vol 6 no 1 (2023) | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Korelasi sebaran titik panas dengan kualitas udara di kota pekanbaru | Prepotif Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Identifikasi Faktor Risiko Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 pada Masyarakat Kampung Pelita Medika II, Desa Buluh Cina Kabupaten Kampar Provinsi Riau | Sumber: Econews vol 6 no 1 (2023) | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Faktorfaktor yang berkorelasi dengan kepatuhan pemilik depot air minum isi ulang dalam pemeriksaan bakteriologis | Sumber Econews vol 1 no 1 (2018) | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Profil Ergonomis dan Proporsi Muskuloskletal pada Tenaga kerja bongkar muta di pelabuhan bongkar muat kota Pekanbaru | Sumber Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran Vol 11 no 2 (2017) | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepatuhan pemeriksaan pemeriksaan bakteriologis terhdapa kandungan total coliform pada depot air minum isi ulang di kabupaten kuantan singingi | Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan vol 11 no 1(2017) | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Gambaran Penderita Filariasis di Kabupaten Meranti Provinsi Riau Periode 2009-2014 | Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran Vol 10 no 2 (2016) | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Pengaruh Penggunaan Alat Pelindung Mata Terhadap Ketajaman Penglihatan Pekerja Las di Kecamatan Mandau Bengkalis Riau | Sumber: Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan vol 10 no 1(2016) | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Analisis Pengaruh Kepadatan Debu dan Penggunaan APD Pekerja Pabrik Pakan Ikan Terhadap Gangguan Fungsi Paru Pada Pekerja Pabrik Pakan Ikan di Kecamatan XIII Koto Kampar | Sumber Dinamika Lingkungan Indonesia. Vo 2.No 2(2015) | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Analisa Aspek Balita Terhadap Kejadidan Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA) di Rumah | Sumber: Jurnal Keperawatan Vol 5 No 2 | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Analisis gangguan pendengaran pada pekerja pemotong rumput akibat kebisingan dari mesin pemotong rumput | Sumber Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan vol 8 no 2(2014). | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Peran Bidan dalam Penemuan Suspek Tuberkulosis di Kabupaten Siak, Provinsi Riau Tahun 2013 | Jurnal Pengendalian Penyakit dan Penyehatan Lingkungan.edisi 4. 2014. | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Analisis Perilaku Ibu dan Faktor Sanitasi dengan kejadian Diare pada Balita di desa Kota Bangun | Sumber Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 6 No 1 .Mar 2012 | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Karakteristik Kasus Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga | Journal of The Indonesian Medical Association Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Cardiovascular diseases, a cause to worry in Indonesia | Jurmal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 1 No 2(2011) | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Perilaku Pekerja Seks Komersial Dalam Penggunaan Kondom Untuk Pencegahan Transmisi HIV/AIDS Di Lokalisasi Teleju Kota Pekanbaru | Jurmal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 1 No 2(2011) | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Impact of 2015 Southeast Asia Haze crisis: Particulate Matter is associated with TB Cases on Pekanbaru City, Riau Province, Indonesia |
48th Union World Conference on Lung Health, Guadalajara, Mexico, 2017 | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Strengthening medical education through intersectoral collaboration: Current practices in Faculty of Medicine, University of Riau, Indonesia | Asian Pasific Journal of Tropical Medicine | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
COVID-19 at Dumai Sea: One Year Study on a Commerce Ship (Proceedings of Public Health Congress on Maritime Transport and Ports 2022: Sailing to the Post-COVID 19 Era) | Public Health Congress on Maritime Transport and Port 2022: Sailing to the post Covid -19 era | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Evaluation of health-related quality of life in Tuberculosis cases got treatment during year with haze and post haze 2015 in Pekanbaru, Indonesia” (13th Postgraduate Forum on Health System and Policy) | Post Graduate Forum, UGM,UKM,PSU | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Metabolic Syndrome in Community-Hiw we Deal It by Health Diet Consumption (International Webinar New Normal) | Webinar Achieving Strategy and Inspiring in the New Normal Era | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Persepsi masyarakat kota Pekanbaru tentang dampak kesehatan pernapasan yang ditimbulkan polusi udara | Forum Ilmiah tahunan IAKMI | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
The Relationship Between Knowledge and Practice Towards the Covid 19 Health Protocol of Students of SMPN 20 Dumai | FK UNRI | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Evaluation of The Nervous System Interactive Module Based on Acceptance and Increasing Knowledge Level | RIME FKUR 2022 | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Kualitas Hidup Penyintas Covid-19 dengan Penyakit Penyerta di Kota Pekanbaru | RIME FKUR 2021 | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Identifikasi Faktor Risiko Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 pada Masyarakat Kampung Pelita Medika II, Desa Buluh | RIME FKUR 2020 | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Penilaian Faktor risiko ergonomI dalam rangka pencegahan fatique tangan pada pekerja pembibitan tanaman PT X Riau. | RIME FKUR 2020 | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Involving of midwife on Tb detection in Siak Distric (Parade Riset TB Nasional) | Parade Riset TB 2015 | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Community Participation in Waste Management (the Tzu Chi Indonesia Recycling projects lesson).(Primary Care in Urban Care setting) | Primary Care Seminat UI 2014 | Link Article | ISBN : 978-602-9459-07-4 | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Korelasi asupan zat besi terhadap kadar haemoglobin pada remaja vegetarian di Pekanbaru (Seminar Keperawatan) | Seminar Keperawatan UNRI 2012 | Link Article | ISSN : 978-602-19166-0-5 | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Faktor-faktor Risiko Terjadinya Preeklampsia di RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru | Seminar Keperawatan UNRI 2012 | Link Article | ISSN : 978-602-19166-0-5 | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Factor influencing the quality of life among Covid survivors in Riau Province, Indonesia - Post covid infection vaccination improving survivors’ quality of life | Abstract Book Union Conference 2021 | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
The Knowledge and Attitude of Prospective Hajj/Umrah Related with meningitis Vaccine ata Port Health Office Pekanbaru | Abtract Book PKB FK UR 2014 | Link Article | ISBN: 978-979-792-646-5 | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Analysis of the role of Educational Institutional agains adolescent obesity management | Abtract Book PKB FK UR 2015 | Link Article | ISBN: 978-979-792-646-5 | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Assessment of School Age Children Nutritional Status Based on Anthropometry Measurement ata Kampar Kiri Sub District | Abtract Book PKB FK UR 2015 | Link Article | ISBN: 978-979-792-646-5 | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Macro Nutrient Intake of School age Children in Kampar Kiri SubDistrict | Abtract Book PKB FK UR 2015 | Link Article | ISBN: 978-979-792-646-5 | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Infectious Disease History Based on School Age Children Nutritional Status at kampar kiri sub district | Abtract Book PKB FK UR 2015 | Link Article | ISBN: 978-979-792-646-5 | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Fasting Blood Vlucose and Lipid Profiles Levels on Pekanbaru Vegetarian and Vegan Community | Abtract Book PKB FK UR 2015 | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Analysis of Factor Associated with the Practice Pulmonary Tuberculosis Drugs Swallowing Control (PMO) in the Sidomulyo Pekanbaru | Abtract Book PKB FK UR 2015 | Link Article | ISBN: 978-979-792-646-5 | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Factors Infuencing Behaviour of Female Sex Workers on Condom Usage in Pekanbaru, Indonesia (International Reproduction and HIV Conference | Undangan Sertifikat | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Understanding vulnerability of Rupat island communities on Riau Province, Indonesia to climate change risk (Asia Pacific Public Health Conference) | 4th Asia Pasific Conference on Public Health | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |
Persepsi Mahasiswa terhadap Keterlibatan Pembelajaran Lintas Profesi Pada Blok Elektif Kesehatan Perbatasan dan Perairan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Riau (Inter profession Health Seminar) | Undangan Sertifikat | Link Article | - | File | File | Indeks Jurnal |